Engineering Optimization Methods

The aim is to develop new, more efficient, means of identifying mathematically optimum structural layouts. Additionally, methods capable of effectively identifying  structural layouts which are practically buildable are being developed. 

Methods underpinning the project


Layout Optimization

The layout optimization problem is concerned with finding an optimal arrangement of structural members subject to prescribed constraints.

Geometry optimization

Geometry optimization involves adjusting nodal positions to rationalize the
solution (and further reduce the volume)

Methods developed during the project

During the project a range of methods have been developed, for a variety of structural engineering applications. An overview of these was provided in an evening technical lecture delivered by Matthew Gilbert and Paul Shepherd at the Instititution of Structural Engineers in London on 20 November 2019 - a recording of this lecture is available:

Research papers referred to in the presentation:

Bolbotowski K, He L. & Gilbert M (2018) Design of optimum grillages using layout optimization. Struct. Mult. Optim., 58(3):851-868.

Fairclough HE, Gilbert M, Pichugin AV, Tyas A & Firth I (2018) Theoretically optimal forms for very long-span bridges under gravity loading. Proc. Roy Soc. A, 474(2217).

Fairclough H, Gilbert M, Thirion C, Tyas A & Winslow P (2019) Optimisation-driven conceptual design: case study of a large transfer truss. The Structural Engineer, 97(10), 20-26.

Fairclough HE & Gilbert M (2020), Layout optimization of simplified trusses using mixed integer linear programming with runtime generation of constraints. Struct. Mult. Optim., In press - available soon.

He L & Gilbert M (2015) Rationalization of trusses generated via layout optimization. Struct. Mult. Optim., 52(4):677-694.

Lu H, Gilbert M & Tyas A (2018) Theoretically optimal bracing for pre-existing building frames. Struct. Mult. Optim., 58(2), 677-686, 2018.

Lu H, Gilbert M & Tyas A (2019) Layout optimization of building frames subject to gravity and lateral load cases. Struct. Mult. Optim., 60(4), 1561-1570, 2019.

Weldeyesus AG, Gondzio J, He L, Gilbert M, Shepherd P & Tyas A (2019) Adaptive solution of truss layout optimization problems with global stability constraints, Struct. Mult. Optim., Online First.

Also Peregrine Grasshopper optimization plugin referred to in the presentation: